Brandon was awarded the Immunology T32 training grant! Congrats Brandon!
July 24, 2024
Catherine Nicholas won first place for her talk at the CSU Translational Research Symposium and a $1000 prize!
September 6,2024
Catherine Nicholas is a Doctor! She successfully defended her thesis today!! Congratulations!!!
August 28, 2024
Together with the Getahun lab, the Smith lab won best costume party at the Colorado Immunology and Microbiology conference in Breckenridge, CO for their “(Wo)Men in Black” costume from the 1990’s!
August 1, 2024
The Smith lab is a Co-investigator on a new NIH R01 award to study B cell clonal expansion as a marker of disease in stage 1 T1D!
July 2024
Our two technicians in the lab, Spencer Evans and Kevin Toole, are both off to medical school! Congratulations and you will be missed!
June 25, 2024
Check out our recent paper on bioRxiv that found that islet-reactive B cells from Stage 1, 2, and 3 T1D donors are enriched in polyreactivity and have a unique gene expression profile and BCR repertoire compared to high-risk first-degree relatives!
June 1 2024
The Smith Lab was awarded a new NIH RO3 award to study the role of Ptpn2 in B cells in the NOD mouse!
New publication in Magnetochemistry
Enrichment and Detection of Antigen-Binding B Cells for Mass Cytometry
Over the years, various techniques have been utilized to study the function and phenotype of antigen-binding B cells in the primary repertoire following immunization, infection, and development of autoimmunity. Due to the low frequency of antigen-reactive B cells (<0.05% of lymphocytes) in the periphery, preliminary enrichment of cells is necessary to achieve sufficient numbers for statistically sound characterization, especially when downstream analytic platform use, e.g., CyTOF, is low throughput. We previously described a method to detect and enrich antigen-reactive B cells from peripheral blood and tissues using biotinylated antigens in conjunction with magnetic nanoparticles, preparative to a downstream analysis by ELISPOT and flow cytometry. While mass cytometry (CyTOF) enables high dimensional immunophenotyping of over 40 unique parameters on a single-cell level, its low throughput compared to flow cytometry and requirement for removal of metal contaminants, such as nanoparticles, made it particularly unsuitable for studies of rare cells in a mixed population. Here we describe a novel CyTOF-compatible approach for multiplexed enrichment of antigen-reactive B cells, e.g., insulin and tetanus toxoid, using cleavable magnetic nanoparticles. This method allows improved monitoring of the phenotype and function of antigen-reactive B cells during the development of disease or after immunization while minimizing the amount of sample and run times needed.
New publication in Biomedicines
Therapeutic Targeting of Autoreactive B cells: Why, How, and When?
B lymphocytes play critical roles in the development of autoimmunity, acting as autoantibody manufacturers, antigen-presenting cells, and producers of cytokines. Pan-B cell depletion has demonstrated efficacy in treatment of many autoimmune disorders, but carries with it an unfavorable safety profile due to global immune suppression. Hence, attention has turned to the potential of autoantigen-specific B cell targeted therapies, which would deplete or silence pathogenic self-antigen-reactive cells while sparing B cells needed for immune defense. Here, we discuss the antigen-specific B cell-targeted approaches that are under development or are under consideration, that could be employed to allow for more precise therapy in the treatment of autoimmunity. Lastly, we discuss some of the challenges associated with antigen-specific B cell targeting that may impact their clinical applicability.